双螺杆泵 , 三螺杆泵 , 单螺杆泵 , KCB齿轮泵 , 2CY齿轮泵


YCB系列齿轮泵运行维护:Circular arc gear pump shaft end seal design for two forms, one is the mechanical seal, another is packing seal, can be used according to the specific situation and the customers' requirement.If any corrosive liquid, when temperature within 80 ℃ to 270 ℃, can special order.YCB series arc gear pump operation maintenance:

   (1)启动前检查全部管路法兰,接头的密封性。(1) before the start of check all pipe flange, joint sealing.

   (2)盘动联轴器,无摩擦及碰撞声音。(2) the dynamic coupling plate, friction and collision.

   (3)首次启动应向泵内注入输送液体。(3) start to infuse conveying liquid pump for the first time.

   (4)启动前应全开吸入和排出管路中的阀门,严禁闭阀启动。(4) before the start of suction and discharge line should be fully open the valve, it is strictly prohibited to start closing valve.

   (5)验证电机转动方向后,启动电机。(5) verify the motor rotation direction, start the motor.            

     YCB齿轮泵是容积泵的一种,由两个齿轮、泵体与前后盖组成两个封闭空间,当齿轮转动时,齿轮脱开侧的空间的体积从小变大,形成真空,将液体吸入,齿轮啮合侧的空间的体积从大变小,而将液体挤入管路中去。吸入腔与排出腔是靠两个齿轮的啮合线来隔开的。YCB arc gear pump is a kind of positive displacement pump, made up of two gear, pump body and cover of two closed space, when gears, gear side space volume from small greaten, forming a vacuum, the liquid suction, the side of the gear mesh from large to small volume of the space, and the liquid into line.Suction chamber and discharge chamber are separated by two gears meshing line.

    YCB齿轮泵与渐开线齿轮相比,Zui大突出的优点是齿轮啮合过程中齿廓面没有相对滑动,所以齿面无磨损,运转平衡,无困液现象,噪声低,寿命长,效率高。该泵摆脱了传统设计的束缚,使齿轮泵在设计,生产和使用上进入了一个新的领域。YCB compared with involute gear pump, the most prominent advantage is in the process of gear meshing tooth profile surface no relative sliding, so the tooth surface abrasion, balanced operation, no trapped fluid phenomenon, low noise, long life, high efficiency.The pump out of the bondage of traditional design, make the circular arc gear pump in the design, production and use on entering a new field.

    齿轮泵依靠泵缸与啮合齿轮间所形成的工作容积变化和移动来输送液体或使之增压的回转泵。Between the circular arc gear pump on pump cylinder and meshing gear formed by the working volume change and move to liquid or pressurization of the rotary pump.

    外啮合双齿轮泵的结构。一对相互啮合的齿轮和泵缸把吸入腔和排出腔隔开。齿轮转动时,吸入腔侧轮齿相互脱开处的齿间容积逐渐增大,压力降低,液体在压差作用下进入齿间。随着齿轮的转动,一个个齿间的液体被带至排出腔。这时排出腔侧轮齿啮合处的齿间容积逐渐缩小,而将液体排出。齿轮泵适用于输送不含固体颗粒、无腐蚀性、粘度范围较大的润滑性液体。泵的流量可至300米3/时,压力可达3×107帕。它通常用作液压泵和输送各类油品。齿轮泵结构简单紧凑,制造容易,维护方便,有自吸能力,但流量、压力脉动较大且噪声大。齿轮泵必须配带安全阀,以防止由于某种原因如排出管堵塞使泵的出口压力超过容许值而损坏泵或原动机。The structure of the external gear double gear pump.A pair of meshing gears and the pump cylinder separates discharge and suction cavity.Gear turns, suction cavity side between the teeth of gear teeth off each other in volume increases gradually, reduced pressure, liquid under the action of pressure difference in between the teeth.As the rotation of the gear tooth one by one between the fluid is brought to the discharge chamber.When the discharge chamber side tooth contact place between the teeth of volume shrinking, and liquid discharge.Gear pump is suitable for conveying not containing solid particles, non-corrosive, larger lubricity liquid viscosity range.Pump flow to 300 m3 / pressure up to 3 & times;107 mpa.It is usually used as hydraulic pump and transport all kinds of oil products.Compact gear pump has simple structure, easy, easy maintenance, self-priming ability, but the flow rate and pressure fluctuation is bigger and big noise.Gear pump must be installed with safety valve, in order to prevent due to some reasons such as the outlet pressure of pump outlet pipe plug more than permissible value and damage to the pump or prime mover.

     YCB齿轮泵采用了国际上被认为输送泵Zui先进的一点连续接触齿轮,即双加正弦曲线复合成齿形,可彻底淘汰渐开线齿轮输送泵。YCB泵在两啮合齿廓间为一点连续接触,不会产生困油现象,彻底解决了渐开线齿轮泵因困油现象导致泵的振动、噪声、轴承负载增大等现象。因此齿轮泵具有效率、噪声低,并具有良好的节能效果。齿轮采用双正弦曲线齿形制造。它与渐开线齿轮相比Zui突出的优点是齿轮啮合过程中齿廓面没有相对滑动,所以齿面无磨损,运转平稳,无困液现象,噪音低、寿命长、效率高。YCB泵摆脱了传统设计的束缚,使得齿轮泵在设计、生产和使用上进入了一个新的领域。YCB arc gear pump adopts the most advanced international is considered the pump continuous contact point of gear, that is, double circular plus composite tooth sine curve, can completely eliminate the involute gear pump.YCB arc pump for a continuous contact between the two meshing tooth profile, won't produce trapped oil phenomenon, solved the involute gear pump pump caused by trapped oil phenomenon, bearing vibration and noise of the phenomenon such as load increases.So the circular arc gear pump efficiency, low noise, and has good energy saving effect.Gear with double circular arc tooth sine curve.It is the most prominent advantage compared with involute gear tooth profile in gear meshing process there is no relative sliding, so the tooth surface abrasion, smooth operation, no trapped fluid phenomenon, low noise, long life and high efficiency.YCB arc pump out of the bondage of traditional design, makes the gear pump in the design, production and use of entering a new field.

  YCB齿轮泵设有安全阀作为超载保护,安全阀全回流压力为泵额定排出压力的1.5倍。也可在允许排出压力范围内根据实际需要另行调整。但注意本安全阀不能作减压阀长期工作,需要时可在管路上另行安装。YCB arc gear pump is equipped with safety valve as overload protection, safety valve for total reflux pressure pump was 1.5 times the rated discharge pressure.Also can allow discharge pressure range according to actual needs further adjustments.But note that this relief valve cannot do pressure reducing valve to work for a long time, when need can be installed in piping shall be separately.



  YCB齿轮泵在泵体中装有一对回转齿轮,一个主动,一个被动,依靠两齿轮的相互啮合,把泵内的整个工作腔分两个独立的部分。A为吸入腔,B为排出腔。齿轮泵在运转时主动齿轮带动被动齿轮旋转,当齿轮从啮合到脱开时在吸入侧就形成局部真空,液体被吸入。被吸入的液体充满齿轮的各个齿谷而带到排出侧,齿轮进入啮合时液体被挤出,形成高压液体并经泵排出口排出泵外。YCB arc gear pump in the pump body is equipped with a pair of rotary gear, an active and a passive, rely on two mutually meshing gears, cavity of the pump, the work in two separate parts.As the suction chamber, B for the discharge chamber.Gear pump driving gear to drive the passive gear rotation during operation, when the gears mesh from to release in the formation of partial vacuum suction side, the liquid be inhaled.Inhaled liquid with each gear tooth valley and to the discharge side, into the meshing gear fluid being squeezed out, and the formation of high pressure liquid pump outlet discharge pump.


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输送燃料油泵 3GCLS100*2W2三螺杆泵 南通港闸船舶制造有限公司
输送渣油泵 3GCL85*2W2三螺杆泵 青岛现代造船有限公司
输送原油泵 3GCL70*2W2三螺杆泵 临海市江海造船有限公司
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污油污水泵 G50-1V-W102单螺杆泵 江苏金桐化学工业有限公司
污油回收泵 3GR25*6w21三螺杆泵 当阳市华强化工有限公司
燃料油装船泵 3GR25*6W2三螺杆泵 朝阳浪马轮胎有限责任公司
重油装船泵 3GR25*6W2三螺杆泵 陵县绿源化工有限责任公司
储油罐倒罐泵 3GR25*6W2三螺杆泵 重庆长寿化工有限责任公司
喷油泵 3GCL110*2W2三螺杆泵 明盛控股集团有限公司
锅炉燃烧器供油泵 3GR30*4W21三螺杆泵 江苏丰山集团有限公司
燃料油供油泵 3GR30*4W21三螺杆泵 辽宁瑞兴化工集团有限公司

YCB齿轮泵结构优点YCB gear pump structure

  1.结构紧凑,使用和保养方便。1. Compact structure, easy to use and maintenance.

  2.具有良好的自吸性,故每次开泵前无须灌入液体。2. Good self-priming, therefore do not need to drink liquid before every open pump.

  3.YCB齿轮泵的润滑是靠输送的液体而自动达到的,故日常工作时无须别加润滑油。3. YCB arc gear pump lubrication is to rely on automatic conveying liquid and achieve, so don't need to don't add lubricant at daily work.
